Thursday, January 28, 2010

Clinic at the village

It's amazing how God answers prayers... just yesterday I was praying that God would open doors if He wanted me to do medical work here in Haiti, in addition to loving on these precious kids. And last night a small medical team showed up! So this afternoon we set up clinic here at the village and the PA and I saw 70 patients this afternoon! Most of it wasn't that serious, but it was great to people to help them. These are the people that weren't affected enough to go to the hospital but still had pain from falling or respiratory infections from sleeping outside. Tomorrow the plan is to set up clinic at a nearby police station that probably will have greater need. Please continue to be in prayer for all of us here, for health and strength as we work nonstop and for wisdom and direction in setting up the medical clinics (This group will be here til Monday).
It's been a busy day and is more exhausting because I sleep with the babies at night so never get to sleep through the night (Did I sign up to be a mom yet? :)) I gotta run cause we still have to pack up meds and supplies for tomorrow, but wanted to let y'all know that things were going well and to thank you for all the prayers! And I haven't been able to respond to all these great and encouraging emails but I appreciate y'all so much!! Thank you so much!! Love you guys!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow amy 70 pts awesome. take your vits. talked with sharon today. all well here. love
