Saturday, January 30, 2010

Loving on Kids

Another day of loving on kids... that's what I did most of the morning. I felt a lot better today cause I actually got sleep last night (Thank you for all your prayers... God gave me rest!) Maki, who is still my roommate and for the last few times has become my bedmate, actually slept through the night. She is so adorable, especially now that she is feeling better. And before you ask, no I'm not bringing her home - her and Sophie, my other favorite are being adopted to Argentina, maybe even as early as next week. So I'll just love on them until I leave. I sat outside for a couple of hours with 2 kids on my lap and others crowded around... whatever you do, do it to glorify God... that's what God keeps reminding me on this trip. Playing with kids or changing diapers may not seem all that special, but it was my task for the morning and God wanted to be glorified in that. And they are so precious that you can't help but love them!
I spent the afternoon cleaning out the clinic/pharmacy with a couple of the other volunteers. It looked so much better after we were done and now we can actually see what medicines we have and find them easily. We are still just treating a handful of patients a day that come in needing medicine. Today it was mostly just the dads from Argentina, who came in to visit their kids and try to get the government to let them take the kids out. They are all worried about their kids, who mostly look better than all the others here, and are coming up to me every few hours with new problems. What's funny is that here I am in Haiti trying to speak Spanish!
Ok, I gotta run but thanks as always for your continued prayers! Please pray for another restful night for me and for Maki.

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