Monday, January 25, 2010

Made it to Haiti

I don't even know what to write or where to begin and I am so tired and ready to try to sleep, but I at least wanted to write and let y'all know that I made it. I left FL this morning at 5 am on a private 8 seater plane and flew to Port-au-Prince. The plane ride was awesome and I got to sit in the front with the pilot! He is a man who donated his time and his plane to fly 3 flights into Haiti to take volunteers and supplies in and kids for adoption out. Barbara, the lady in charge here, flew in with 7 kids on Saturday and 6 kids today. I got to play with the kids at the airport today and help them on the plane... so precious!! Pray that everything would go smoothly with all the adoptions.
I got here to the village (the orphanage), which is partly destroyed like most everything else here. Driving in the city seemed somewhat normal in parts but then you pass a building that is in crumbles. I arrived here and was handed one of the kids, an 8 mo old who was dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea and have literally carried her around for 5 hours until I finally got her to sleep a few minutes ago. Today I mostly helped care for the kids... at one time I was entertaining 5 infants/toddlers. These kids have been through so much and there's so little help here.
I have so much more I could write, but I'll stop with this. I don't know what these next few days will bring, but I know God has me here for His purpose. I may be treating people or I may be loving on kids, but I pray that He might be glorified. I pray that I could bring His love to a people without hope. Thank you so much for all your prayers! Please keep praying for me and for the others here and for the people of Haiti!


  1. Hey sweetie, Walker and I just read this together and we are moved with the way you just hit the floor "running" since your arrival in Haiti. WE are remembering you as well as the hurting people there.
    WE love you so,
    Aunt Joan and Walker

  2. WOW!! I will be praying for you, it sounds like you are doing amazing things for God!!
    Love ya,
