Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Amazing Day in Prison

What an amazing day we had in the prison! And as exhausted as I am, I just had to let you guys know about it. It's a special day when you can say you had an amazing day in prison! :) In addition to the 5 day clinic in a favela and the construction team at the leper colony, today we took a small group into a mens' prison. I actually wasn't even supposed to go with the group because Sharon was going to take them but yesterday she decided that it would be better for her to stay at clinic and for me to take the team. So I took the team, 9 Americans and 4 Brazilians, and we set up a medical clinic in the middle of the prison, complete with general medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and ophthalmology. I had visited a couple of prisons during my time in Rio but this was the first time I had ever done a medical clinic in one! And it's nothing like you would imagine... the men were so nice and the way they thanked us and talked to us, you would never think that we were inside of a prison! God worked everything out in a perfect way. Camila, a Brazilian that I worked with in South Africa, just happens to be a pharmacist and came to Rio this week to help us in clinic... since we needed our American pharmacists at the other clinic, Camila came with us and filled the prescriptions. What a blessing she was! And then God provided interpreters as well. We were limited in the number of people we could take in and I was planning on being the interpreter for both Kevin & Raja, our doctor and nurse. We got there and there were so many patients... but there were also 2 guys that spoke decent English and wanted to help. So I put them to work and let them help interpret so I could see patients as well. They were great... so great in fact that Raja had no idea that her interpreter was one of the inmates until the end of the day when she asked if Anderson could come back on Thursday and help us. We told her that he would be there because he couldn't leave! All day she had thought he was one of the church helpers! She even tried to get him to come upstairs and eat lunch with us! :)

It was a busy day! Our small group treated 128 patients and there were 30 people who gave their lives to Christ. One of those was my patient, Rodrigo. He sat down and began to tell me of all his problems. The health situation for these inmates is really tough and they have little access to medical care. As Rodrigo began telling me of his symptoms, I became convinced that he had HIV that had probably progressed to AIDS. He's been in prison for 4 years and his health is only getting worse. After talking with him for a few minutes I asked if he was a Christian. He told me that although he went to church when he was younger, he later stopped going and went down the wrong path. He shared that he was trying to get close to God but it was so hard because he had committed so many sins. I began to tell Him about God's love for him, even after everything he had done and how God would change his life, but that he was the one that had to make that first step and invite Jesus to take control of his life. Rodrigo prayed with me a few minutes later and asked Jesus Christ to forgive his sins, save him and change his life! I told him that he was a new man in Christ and that his new story started today. I am so thankful that even when I don't have the medicine to cure people of their sickness, I can share with them about the Great Healer who can heal the body and soul!

Thank you for all your prayers for us this week!! Continue to pray for us, for strength, endurance and boldness and that God would be glorified through each of us. Tomorrow we are all back at the church clinic and then on Thursday the small group will return to the prison. God has already done great things but there is still more yet to be done!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Leaving yet again... for Brasil!!

Yes, I am already leaving again! :) It's been a crazy last few months, but God keeps giving me all these opportunities and leading me to them. I so appreciate your continued prayers and encouragement during this time! It's only by God's strength that I've been able to travel between continents and time zones, minister in the different capacities He's provided and continue working at the hospital during my time at home! After working the last 3 days and finishing packing today, I am leaving tomorrow to fly to Brasil again– this time to Rio! I am going with Sharon and a team of volunteers to minister in one of the favelas in Rio. It is a big team (over 40 people) and we are going to be doing a lot of different things in the week. A construction team will be doing some work at the leprosy hospital (some of you many remember me talking about it when we first visited there in 2008.) And we will be having a medical team in a church all week and in addition to this Sharon will be taking a small group to do a medical clinic in a local prison.

I'm really excited about the week for a number of reasons. First, because God has opened up some doors for some really neat ministry opportunities. I was able to visit the church with Sharon in March and they are really excited about us coming and working with us. And to have the opportunity to not only serve the people in the favelas but also people with leprosy as well as prisoners... these people need to see and hear about God's love! Second, although I have been to Rio a few times since I left in 2008, this will be my first time being back with a medical team and I can't tell you how excited I am! God has given me some amazing experiences in a lot of places, but Rio will always hold a special place in my heart and I love being able to treat and share with the people of the favelas. I am so thankful for yet another opportunity to do this!

Please pray for us this next week. The team is flying down on Wednesday and Thursday night and we will start work at the leprosy hospital on Friday. The medical clinic will be Monday through Friday, the 26th-30th. Please pray for safe travels, for health and for preparation for each team member. A few people have already had to drop out due to health problems or family with health issues so please say a special prayer for those that were planning on going but are unable to. Pray for God's protection around the whole team, for unity and that each of us would have an open, flexible heart, ready to be used however God wants to use us. Pray that all the details and logistics work out. Pray for the church members and the interpreters that will be working with us. Pray for the people we will come in contact with and for opportunities to share Christ.

I will be staying in Brasil for another week after the team leaves to see friends and for my Brazilian brother's wedding. Please keep praying for me, that God would continue to give me strength, health and endurance with all this traveling. Pray that He will continue to use me for His glory wherever I am. This has been a crazy last few months but God has been so faithful in equipping me with everything I need in order to do what He calls me to do. Pray for me as I continue to seek Him for the present and the future and let Him lead me on this exciting journey. I love you guys and appreciate you so much!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Back from the Amazon

What an awesome week we had in the Amazon!!! Thank you guys so much for your prayers!! We definitely saw God at work, both in the lives of the Brazilians and the Americans! It was an exhausting 7 days and we roughed it a little... we did have air condition at night and for afternoon naps but they turned it off every morning at 6 am. When someone asked the captain why, he said it was to wake us up to make sure we don't miss breakfast. :) It was tight quarters and there were 4 bathrooms for 32 people and only 2 showers actually had enough water pressure to take a shower. But the team was awesome and definitely had such a great, flexible attitude!

We got on the boat Sunday night and didn't get to the first village until the next afternoon... 13 hours by boat to get there! We visited 3 different communities and held the medical clinic, VBS with the kids, and church services at night. It was an amazing week of ministering with a group of people who had such a heart for the Lord. In addition to the Americans and Brazilians on the boat, there was a Bolivian doctor who moved with her family to Brasil 2 years earlier as a missionary and an Argentino who is a missionary with his wife to the Amazon. God has called people from all over the world to share His love and salvation to the people of the Amazon region and it was so great to be a part of this amazing team.

We arrived back in the US on Saturday and although it was great to take a hot shower, I think all of the team misses the Amazon. On Friday as we talked of all the awesome things we had seen during the team, I reminded them that this wasn't the end and that just as God had proven faithful during this week, He will continue to be faithful as He leads each one of us. Pray for the continued ministry in the Amazon and that God would continue to grow and use each of the Americans that went on the trip. As for me, my next journey is only 10 days away (Yes, my life is crazy but God keeps opening up all these opportunities!!!). I leave on the 22nd to go back to Brasil, to Rio, with a medical team. Continue to pray for me, that God will continue to strengthen me, to lead me and to use me for His glory as He takes me around the world. Pray for continued direction and that He would guide each step I take. Once again, thank you all so much for your prayers and for continuing with me on all these journeys!! Love you guys!!

The "Peace" Medicine

Raimunda is a woman that came into clinic one day and started telling me of her heart palpitations when she was upset or stressed. In Rio, I saw many patients like her and since we couldn't do further tests on her heart or even prescribe anti-anxiety meds, I shared with her my “calmante” verse (calming or peace verse) - Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, present your request to God. And the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” I asked her if she was a Christian and she said wasn't yet but she had been going to church. So I began to share the gospel with her and told her of God's love for her and how we are separated from God because of our sin. I told of how God sent His Son, Jesus to die on the cross for us so we could have a relationship with Him. Many times we talk of how Jesus is the bridge but someone told me before my trip that people in the Amazon have no concept of a bridge but they understand about a boat. So as we are sitting their with a view of the huge Amazon river I talked about how our separation from God is like this huge river and many people think they can “swim over to God” by their own works or by being a good person. But no matter how good we are, we can never make it the whole way because the distance is too great. But Jesus is like a boat that takes us to God but we have to make that decision to trust Him and to get in the boat. After talking to her for a while, she said she wasn't ready to make that decision today. I shared with her how it wasn't by chance that she came to see me and shared her complaints, how it wasn't by chance that I began to share with her, that I really believe that God had a plan for her and that's why she came to see me. And I told her that the promise of peace, the only “medicine” I had for her problem, was only for those who are in Christ Jesus, that she could only experience that once she “got in the boat” with Jesus. I prayed for her and asked her to think about what I had shared with her. I ask you to pray for Raimunda and others like her who heard the gospel this week. Pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of the people we came in contact with. Pray that God would lead the Brazilian missionaries and pastors that continue to work in the Amazon region. May Raimunda and many others come to know the peace that comes only through Jesus Christ!

Medical Clinics in the Amazon

One of the interesting things about being a nurse practitioner on the mission field is that you never what kind of “clinic” you're gonna be in. This week was the first time I'd ever seen patients on a boat. One day I was in a clinic, but the second two days I saw patients on the boat. At one point I felt the boat start moving and I was told we were moving offshore for a few minutes because of a thunderstorm... but I just kept seeing patients. One afternoon they brought a man who had been bitten by a piranha. They just rowed him right up to the back of the boat in a canoe. Janette, the Bolivian doctor who worked was with us, sutured him up and cauterized it with a match and gauze (Yes, this is tropical medicine!). One of my patients thanked me so much and told me that next time I come back he will bring me a fish and some bananas! :) I loved the week!!

The health care in the Amazon region is definitely lacking. Some communities have government health clinics but they often are lacking basic medicines. And other communities don't even have any basic healthcare professionals. They were so grateful for the help that we could give them. One man kept talking about how they lived “at the ends of the earth” and not many people come all the way out to help them. It took us 13 hours by boat from Manaus to get to the area where the 3 communities were. But it was important to show these people that we had not forgotten them and more importantly that God had not forgotten them!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Amazon

My next adventure is here! I'm headed to the Amazon tomorrow and just wanted to write and ask for your prayers. I am helping to lead a medical team from Brentwood Baptist Church. We are flying into Manaus and then spending the week on a boat. We will be working with a local Brazilian church, traveling down the Amazon River and stopping at villages along the way to offer medical care. I have never done a medical clinic on a boat before and am really excited about this opportunity!

I won't be able to send out emails or write on my blog while I'm there because there's no internet access on the boat (but we do have air condition!) but will tell you all about it when I get back. Please do keep us in your prayers this week, July 2-10. I will be driving up to Nashville tomorrow (Saturday) morning to meet up with the team. Our team will fly to Brasil Saturday night. Please pray for safe travel, for me as I drive to Tenn and for us as we fly. Pray for health, protection and unity of the team starting tomorrow. Pray that everything would go well with our flights, luggage and meeting up with the people in Manaus. Pray for Roger and me to have wisdom and guidance as we lead the team. Pray that God would work in and through each of the team members during the week. Pray for us as we minister, that God would give us the knowledge as we care for the sick and the opportunities and words to share of God's love and salvation. I know that God wants to do awesome things this next week, both in our lives and in the life of every person we come in contact with. As always, thank you for your prayers!

Just wanted to share a verse with you that I heard during Bible Study this week – Joshua 3:4-5 “Then you will know which way to go since you have never been this way before... Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Especially in the past few years God has shown His faithfulness in leading me, as He has taken me down many paths that I have never been down before. And here I am again, both in this trip and in other things in my life, going a way I have never gone before. But God promises me, as He does to you, that He will be with me and will lead me in the unknown. And not only that but He promises to do amazing things! Wherever you are and whatever is your “way you have never been before”, know that God is with you and that He wants to do amazing things among you! Love you guys and appreciate all your continued prayers and encouragement!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back from South Africa

Well, I'm finally writing to let you know I'm back from South Africa. I've actually been back almost a week, but with having to jump right back into working combined with jet lag and being sick I'm just now getting the chance. I want to thank you for all of your prayers during my time in Johannesburg. What an awesome experience it was and one where I really saw God at work! I spent almost 3 weeks with a group of 200 Brazilians whose goal and passion was to see God glorified and be a part of what He was doing in South Africa. And it was amazing!

I wish you all could have been there, to experience the excitement of being in Johannesburg during the World Cup, to see how many opportunities we had and how receptive people were to this group of Brazilians, and to watch South Africans worship God with such simplicity and sincerity. I can't share everything with you, but some of the highlights were – 1. Telling a South African woman at the hospital we visited that we came all the way from Brasil (and the US) not to go to a World Cup game but to visit her and tell her how much God loves her. 2. Interpreting a sermon from Portuguese into English both Sundays at 2 small and passionate African churches 3. Sharing my testimony at a church about how God has a plan for each of us and wants to continue to use us, how 8 years ago I didn't speak any Portuguese and now here I was in South Africa with a group of Brazilians translating a sermon back into English that a Brazilian pastor was preaching! 4. Laughing and hanging out with the group of crazy, fun Brazilians that love God and missions. And getting to share my story and encourage many of them that were on their first mission trip. 5. Praying and seeing God open up doors and opportunities for us to minister – in schools, in a nursing home, in a hospital, in a clinic. 6. Getting to share the Message of Hope, Love and Peace with people in a country that is still suffering from a history of hatred, bitterness and forgiveness and watching God bring unity to a nation that desperately needs to be united. 7. Watching the Brasil soccer game on a big screen in the church sanctuary crowded with 200 Brazilians and 50 South Africans and getting caught up in all the excitement!

Continue to pray for South Africa, that God would grow the seeds that were planted and the lives that were changed this past month. Pray for the leadership group that is staying until the end of next month, for the Brazilian full-time missionaries and the churches in Johannesburg. And pray that God would continue to work in the lives of each Brazilian volunteer and that God would continue to lead them and use them for His glory! I started getting excited about God using Brazilians on the mission field while I was living in Brasil but after these past few weeks I now truly believe that God is going to use Brazilians to change the world!

My next adventure is only a week away! Next Saturday, July 3, I will be going to the Brazilian Amazon for a week! I was invited to go with a medical team from Brentwood Baptist Church because they needed a nurse practitioner and someone to help lead the team because Sharon is taking a medical team to Haiti (Please pray for her this next week as she and the team will be in Haiti and also for Stephen (Sharon & Ray's son) who is in Haiti until the end of July working with teams from Brentwood). God is doing a lot all over the world and it is so amazing the doors he keeps opening up. I will send out more details about the Amazon before I leave but pray for me and the team as we prepare. Please pray especially for my health and strength... although I love it and wouldn't have it any other way, it is hard with all the traveling and having to work part-time and do everything I need to do. The spiritual warfare was so strong when I was in South Africa and especially after I got sick I was thinking how Satan definitely doesn't like all that I'm doing... I need your prayers more now than ever as I continue to go where God leads and take advantage of every opportunity He gives me. Thank you once again for your continued prayers and encouragement!!! May God continue to bless each of you and give you opportunities to share His love and salvation wherever He leads you! Love you guys!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Night in South Africa

It's my last night here in South Africa. I can't believe it's already over! I am feeling better although I still was not well enough to go out today. There's a possibility that I may be able to go out for part of the day tomorrow. It was not in my plans to get sick (but I guess it never is) but I've been praying that God would be glorified even during my sickness. Thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray for my health. Pray that I would feel ok during my 16 hour flight tomorrow night. Pray especially that my cough would not be bad on the flight. And please continue to pray for the work here and for the Brazilian team. Love you guys and appreciate you so much!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Freezing in South Africa

It's been a busy past few days as different groups have gone to churches, schools, clinics, communities, etc... Thanks for your prayers about the clinic... we were able to go there yesterday and gave some presentations on dental care and HIV. HIV is a serious and growing problem here in South Africa and there is a still a lack of education in so much of the population.

Yesterday was Brasil's first game and some of the group went to outside the stadium and talked to people and handed out tracts. We all piled into the church to watch the game on the big screen with some visitors from the community. It was a victorious night, first because Brasil won the game and second because people gave their lives to Christ during the invitation at the end of the game. Praise God for the lives He is changing as the result of us being here!

It's freezing here – literally!! You don't think of cold when you think of Africa but it is the middle of winner here in Johannesburg and this week has been really cold. Last night it was in the 20's and the buildings don't have heating. These poor Brazilians that have never left the tropics don't know what to do but it's been miserably cold even for me.

It has been somewhat of a discouraging past few days for me because my cold and cough has only gotten worse. I had to stay at the camp today and call the doctor to come see me because I was feeling worse, couldn't stop coughing and had a fever. Praise God for Dr. Lance who examined me and gave me antibiotics and cold medicine without charging me anything. It's been hard because of the cold and having to interpret and I knew today I had to stop. Pray for quick healing with the antibiotic. Pray that my cough stops and I'm able to sleep and rest. And pray for wisdom to know whether I should stay in tomorrow or if it's ok to go out. I leave on Friday night so I only have 2 days left. I want to make the best of the rest of my time here but I also don't want to get worse, so pray I'll know what to do.

Thank you again for all your prayers! I will try to post something tomorrow night but if I don't get to, pray for these last few days of ministry. Most of the Brazilians leave on Sunday or Tuesday so they still have a few more days here. Pray for their continued health and safety. Pray that God would grow the seeds that were planted and continue to work in the hearts of people we have come in contact with. Pray for my flight home, that I will feel ok and be able to rest. Thank you guys so much! Love you!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Great Weekend!!!

Things are going great here in Johannesburg! Thanks for all your prayers! I wish you all could be here with me! Yesterday was an awesome day, probably the best so far. In the morning I went with a group to the boarding house that I talked about in one of my older posts. We visited with people for a while then had a little program with them – a personal trainer did stretching exercises, a dentist taught them about how to care for their teeth, and we also had a time of music. I was the interpreter and was even able to share with them a Bible verse and encourage them to look to Jesus for joy and peace. It was such a blessed time!!

In the afternoon I went with another group to a hospital (a door that God opened this week!!). We went through the first few floors and visited the patients. A couple of the Brazilians dressed up like clowns and they even gave me a funny hat and clown nose to wear... it's amazing how just seeing us made people smile. And then we talked to them for a few minutes and prayed with each patient. You should have seen this one woman's face when I told her we came all the way from Brasil to visit her and not to go to the World Cup games! When we asked if another patient had any prayer requests, she wanted us to pray that God would change her life. And the nurses loved us! One asked for a present from Brasil and we gave her one of the salvation bracelets and I explained to her the meaning of the colors. And then all of them wanted one so I shared with them as well. We prayed with the nurses and I was able to share with them that I was also a nurse and I know what a hard job it is and what a great ministry it is. I don't have the words to describe how great the visit was to both places or how much I felt God using me. Hopefully I will get to go back to the hospital but it's just amazing how we gave hope to patients that were there and made friends with the nurses which will hopefully help keep the door open. Thank you for all your prayers!

This morning we divided up in different churches and I went to a small church with a pastor from Rio. The church was in the favela/slums, a part of Joburg I really hadn't been in yet. It's a squatter camp and there are 20,000 people living there... and it really was just shacks made of aluminum, worse than most of the favelas. I've noticed at the other squatter camps we've driven by and this one as well that there are 2 port-a-pottys (however you spell it) at each camp... I guess the government puts them there... they just look so out of place there. haha The church was made of aluminum as well and was very simple... they didn't have power until halfway through the service. They were so hospitable, joyful and so receptive to us. It was wonderful to be with them and God blessed Edson as he shared and me as I interpreted. God was in that church with us! This is Pastor Edson's first mission trip and he was nervous since it was his first time to preach through an interpreter... but it all went great! We talked on the bus about this trip, missions and I was able to encourage him and share some of my other experiences. It's been amazing to see God at work in these 200 Brazilian volunteers... I really do believe God is going to great things with each member of this group, even after this trip is over!

Continue to pray for our health and safety, for strength and discernment. Pray for open doors and for the leadership as they have so many decisions to make every day regarding logistics. Pray that God would bring people into our paths and that we are able to know what to say and how to help them. Pray especially for the Brazilians that know some English, that God would give them the words and the confidence to speak and that people would understand their English. Pray that I would have wisdom to know when I need to be an interpreter and when I need to talk to people on my own. I can't thank you enough for your prayers!! You are a part of God's work here in South Africa!!

P.S. I just found out that I'll be going tomorrow to one of the neighborhoods to talk to the director of a clinic about the possibility of us visiting. Pray for us, that God would grant us favor in their eyes and that the door would be opened.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The World Cup has begun!!!

The 2010 World Cup has finally begun!!! Today was the opening ceremony and first game. How exciting it is to be in the city where it is being held even if we don't get to go to any games. Everyone here in Johannesburg is so excited, all dressed in South Africa's colors and making lots of noise! It is definitely an exciting time!!!
Today was also our first day of real ministry. We finished the training yesterday and had a special service last night with some of the South African pastors where they commissioned us to go out and serve. It was a wonderful time together, praying for Africa and the world. We are divided in different areas and there are 3 different communities we are serving in. Today my group went to Troyville, which is in downtown Jburg. We set up a big screen in the sanctuary and invited the community to come watch the Opening Ceremony and South Africa game with us this afternoon. During the time we had games, arts and music for the kids. The kids are precious! I love that you can make friends with kids no matter what country you are in! :)
Continue to pray for us. I can't believe it's gone by so fast but I leave one week from today. The next week is gonna be intense. Continue to pray for our safety and health. Will you please pray for me, especially for my throat. I am still sick and felt worse today, so just pray for healing and that I am able to talk and feel good. It got colder the last few days (freezing temps at night with no heater), so I think it's affected everyone's health. So please continue to pray for our health. Continue to pray that God would direct us, open doors and be glorified in all we say and do. May South Africa be forever changed in 2010, not because of the World Cup but because of what God will do in this country!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thanks for all the prayers!!!

Thank you for your continued prayers for us! The other half of the group arrived on Sunday and have done their city/safari tours that we did last week. Yesterday and today my group got to visit 2 of the areas we will be working in the next week. We went to prayer walk and to get to know the areas but already saw God at work. God is working through us, touching lives and opening doors. Today we went to Pastor Diego's church – he is a Brazilian missionary that has been here in Johannesburg for 8 years and is a pastor of a local Portuguese church. The church is located in an area of town that has had a long history of racial/ethnic hatred and even killings. We walked through the community praying for God's salvation, peace and restoration of this community. 70 Brazilians walking through the streets called a lot of attention... people would jump up and down and yell as we passed by... they love soccer and love Brazilians... this opened up doors for us to talk to people and tell them why we were here and about the church. There is a boarding house a couple of blocks from the church that has 63 older adults living there. We were invited inside, able to greet and visit with the residents and even had a mini worship service with them. It was awesome but only after returning to the church did we discover that Pastor Diego has been trying to connect with this place for years but has been unable to because of the situation here in South Africa. God used our group to open up a door and gave us an opportunity to share His message of peace, hope and salvation!

Continue to pray for our group here – for our health, safety, strength, endurance and boldness. The spiritual warfare is real and strong here in this country and we have felt it so strong. We are praying more than ever and know God is going to do great things this next week. Pray specifically for the health of each of us. People are getting sick every day. The last few days it seems like every few hours someone gets sick. And I even had a sore throat and fever yesterday morning and praise God that I am feeling better today, but our health is something I ask you to really pray about.

Tomorrow and Thursday we are doing training with the whole group and then Friday we will divide up and go to our different ministry areas. Continue to pray for us as we prepare and plan. Pray for the English training we will be doing with everyone. Pray for the leadership as they divide the groups and handle all the logistics. It's a lot of work and they are doing a great job! The group that I'm here with is amazing and I've enjoying so much getting to know them and serving with them! Thank you for your continued prayers! Love you guys!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Wonderful Sunday

What a wonderful Sunday it was here in South Africa! And I know it was all because of prayers – those of you that are praying across the ocean and all of us praying here. Most of the group went to a larger church, but a few of us went to some smaller churches. At 10pm last night I found out that I would be leaving at 630 this morning and would be interpreting for the preacher. I was so exhausted and didn't get many hours of sleep so I was a little worried this morning. But our God gave me the strength and energy I needed. The service was amazing!! It was a small, simple church full of the presence of God. I think it is the most amazing church service that I have ever participated in! I cannot even describe to you how amazing it was! The people worshiped God with such sincerity and with all their heart. I was a little anxious about interpreting, but it went so well. I ended up sharing a few minutes with the church in English about my story, missions & God's plan for each of them. And then I interpreted as Junior preached (A seminary student that found out last night he would be preaching and was scared to death!). God's hand and His Spirit flowed through both of us as we shared. It was God – that's the only way I know how to describe it! And as I shared with the church, it is amazing to think... 10 years ago I didn't know 1 word of Portuguese and now here I am in South Africa translating from Portuguese into English with a group of Brazilian missionaries!! It was so wonderful to see the South Africans not just excited about the World Cup, but praying and expecting God to do great things during this next month. South Africa is a country that has a history full of hatred, bitterness and sadness. It is a country that God wants to transform, to bring unity through His love and grace. And we were able to see a little glimpse of how God is working here in this country. The South Africans are working alongside us to reach out to their country and to the world. What an awesome partnership!

This morning I read Isaiah 42:16 “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” We are walking blindly, not knowing what to expect or how God is going to use us, but He is guiding us and is with us every step of the way! And in a country that is full of such darkness, we are the Light and He will use us for His glory!

Thank you for all your prayers and I ask that you please continue to pray for us. The oppression and spiritual warfare is so strong here. We need your prayers – for health, for safety, for rest, for peace. For all the places we will go and all the people we will come in contact with. That above all, God's Name would be glorified!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Quick Update from South Africa

Hello everyone! Well, we really don't have internet yet and I'm not sure if we will (pray that we'll be able to get it), but they were able to work something out for a few minutes for us tonight. So I wanted to let you guys know that everything is going well. I met up with the group yesterday here at the camp and we've had a couple of days of rest, training, and fun. The group is awesome and I can't tell you how awesome it is to be with Brazilians on a mission trip! It's been amazing to hear everyone's stories and how God brought them here. And we're all excited to see what God has in store these next few weeks! The rest of the team will arrive on Sunday and we will finish training and start the work after they arrive. Today we got to experience a little of South Africa at a rhino and lion safari. I got to play with baby lions and hold a hug snake... don't worry I have pictures to prove it! :)

I ask that you continue to pray for us and our team. I can't stress how much we need your prayers! Please pray especially for our leadership and for all the logistics that have to be worked out for 200 people. I am very impressed because it has been very organized and am praying that God continue to give wisdom, strength and everything they need. Please pray for strength and endurance and for health for the whole team. I was woken up early this morning because someone was sick with a high fever and have been able to use my medical skills. I am thankful that I am able to use the gifts God has given me, but I prefer that no one gets sick. :) Pray for rest and for preparation these next few days. Pray for our safety. And pray for the people that we will encounter and for opportunities to be the Light in this dark world. God has us all here as a part of His plan and I know He's going to do awesome things!!!

Ok, I have to go and I'm having trouble thinking in English (I've just spoken Portuguese for the past few days!). Pray also for my language, for Portuguese and also for the English training I will be helping with as well as interpreting. Thank you guys so much once again for all your prayers and support!! Keep praying even if it takes me a while to post again.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


My first friend in South Africa

Roberto and Edna Carmona and Ana Khalipa, our host Brazilian missionaries

Safely here

I'm in Africa!!! Thanks for all your prayers for my trip! The 16 hour flight wasn't bad at all and I was able to sleep for 9 hours (thanks to Tylenol PM). I was most worried about meeting up with the group, but when I walked out of customs, there was someone with a sign with my name on it. PTL! The group of Brazilians arrived earlier in the day and went to the camp where we are staying. Since it was already dark when I arrived, I stayed the night and the missionaries' house. Pastor Carlos and Edna Carmona are Brazilian missionaries here in Johannesburg and are our hosts for this trip. They are so nice! And they have an adorable 1 year old daughter, Ana Khalipa, a South African that they adopted at 4 months. She was my first friend here in South Africa! :) Please pray for this couple during the next month, as they are coordinating over 200 volunteers. I know what it's like to work with volunteers and can only imagine the stress they are under with so many volunteers for such an extended period of time. Pray for health, strength, wisdom and for God's special blessing on their family during this time.
After a good night's sleep even with the 6 hour time difference, I feel rested and ready to start the new day. I can feel your prayers, I really can and am so excited about this opportunity that God has given me here in South Africa. I will be going to the camp to meet up with the group today. The next few days will be mostly spent in training and preparation. The other half of the group will arrive on Sunday. Continue to pray for all of us during this time. I will post updates as I can but I think the internet at the camp is limited. So don't worry about me if you don't hear anything for a while (although you can pray for internet access:) ) and keep praying! Love you guys so much and thanks again!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane

In just a few hours I will be getting on the plane for South Africa. After this busy week of working, packing and getting everything done I am now ready. I'm going to South Africa today!!! I don't know what these next few weeks will be like but I know that God has gone ahead of me and will go with me. I appreciate your continued prayers for me and for our team during this time. I plan on updating my blog while I'm there so y'all can know what's going on (hopefully the internet connection will allow that).
Please pray for my flight - 16 hours nonstop from Atlanta to Johannesburg. Pray that I am able to rest and sleep on the plane (Because I had to work the past 2 days, I haven't had a lot of time to rest up). Pray that I would have a peaceful and restful heart. Pray for the Brazilians that will be traveling over the next few days, for all the details and logistics and that I won't have any problems meeting up with the group at the airport.
Thank you once again for all your continued prayers and support! I love you guys so much and am so excited that you get to go on this next journey with me!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Next Stop... South Africa!!!

The next adventure is here... I'm going to South Africa in 12 days!! Just wanted to let you guys know about my trip and ask for your prayers. As many of you know, the 2010 World Cup will take place in Johannesburg this June & July. I am so excited about this unique opportunity that God has given me – I will be spending 3 weeks in South Africa doing outreach and evangelism with a group of 200 Brazilians volunteer missionaries!!

My Brazilian sister, Luciana and her husband, Marcos are leading this team and when I was in Rio in March, they invited me to go with them. I told them that of course I wanted to go but I needed to pray about it to see if it's what God wanted me to do. So I began to pray about this opportunity and as I began to feel a peace about going, I started praying for a confirmation of a cheap ticket... because I would be traveling separate from the Brasil group, I had to buy my own ticket and tickets were over $2000. God answered my prayer above and beyond... I was able to get a ticket with Delta Sky Miles! I only paid $70 for my ticket!! Less than 3 months before the World Cup and I was able to get a sky miles ticket! Anyone that has tried to get frequent flier tickets knows that this is a miracle!! God has prepared everything – the finances, my flexible work schedule, even my English & Portuguese language ability! Praise God for His direction, confirmation and provision!

On June 1, I will be flying to Johannesburg, South Africa to meet up with 200 Brazilians. We will spend 20 days reaching out to the South African people as well as tourists from around the world to share with them about God's love. I don't know what God has in store for us in South Africa or how He wishes to use me over there, but I have no doubt that He has not only called me to go but has prepared the way before me! And I'm so excited about the chance to be a part of a Brazilian mission team!

Here are some things you can pray for: 1. Please pray for me in these next couple of weeks as I prepare for this trip. Pray that God would prepare my heart and provide me with everything I need physically and spiritually to be used by Him. Pray that I would continue to focus on Him and wouldn't get stressed with everything I need to get done between now and June 1. 2. Pray for the Brazilian volunteers as they prepare - for peace, spiritual preparation and for health. 3. Pray for Marcos and Luciana and the other leaders – for last minute preparations and the details to fall into place. 4. Pray for the hearts of the people we will encounter, that God would begin to work in their hearts even now.

Once again I want to thank each of you for your prayers! Thank you for embarking on yet another journey with me. I am so excited to see how God is going to work and feel blessed to be a part of it. And I am so thankful for your continued prayers and encouragement! I'll write more before I leave with more details... thank you once again!!! May each of you continue to seek God and walk with Him on the journey He has for you, wherever that may lead!

“You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas... those living far away fear your wonders; where morning dawns and evening fades you call forth songs of joy.” Psalm 65:5,8

Friday, February 5, 2010

Home Sweet Home

There's no place like home... my own bed, a hot shower, chick-fil-a and the fireplace. :) After a long 2 day journey I finally made it back to Atlanta. We started out yesterday at 8 am and didn't leave Haiti until 6 pm. We spent 4 hours in the American Embassy waiting on the final documents on the kids and then another 4 hours on a bus at the airport waiting on our plane to arrive and get through all the documentation. And this was all with 6 kids! We were thankful to at least be in an air-conditioned bus and to receive some water and snacks from the US Army guys. Then there was the 4 hour flight to Miami. The kids did awesome the whole day and all slept almost the whole flight. Thanks for all your prayers!
The best part of the day was seeing the kids unite with their parents in the Miami airport! What a happy ending!! Seriously, after 10 days of so much hopelessness and suffering, this was amazing! I cannot describe the happiness and emotions in that room. I was thinking while I was at the orphanage about how as Christians we are all adopted into God's family and what a wonderful thing that is! Many of the kids that I encountered will get a second chance and a new life with a family. But many of the others will never leave Haiti (as well as many who are suffering around the world). But anyone can receive that Second Chance, that New Life, that Hope that God offers to the world through Jesus Christ! I praise God for these kids getting adopted but even more for the adoption into His family that He offers to anyone who will receive.
It is good to be home but I'm already missing my precious kids in Haiti. We did receive word the night before I left that the visas came through for the kids being adopted to Argentina and Maki's mom is coming to get her and Sophie on Sunday! It made it easier leaving knowing she will get to leave soon. I have lots of pictures of her and the other kids that I hope to upload to facebook soon but just wanted to share 2 pictures with you now... the first is of me with Maki & Sophie and the second is me with some of the kids (and an adopting couple) with our pilot at the Port-au-Prince airport.
Once again, thank you SO MUCH for all your prayers and support in this journey. The only way I can keep doing what I'm doing is because of your continued prayers. I know that so many were praying for me down there... I definitely felt your prayers!! I know that many of you would have liked to go to Haiti to help, but let me tell you, you were there with me, through every day, loving on each child, treating each patient! May God bless each one of you! And thank you again!! I'll keep y'all updated on my future, but for now I'm going back to work part-time at Kennestone Hospital and will continue to pray about what's next. Only God knows when my next journey will be! :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flying home

Just wanted to let y'all know my schedule and ask for your prayers in our travels. We are leaving the orphanage tomorrow morning and flying out of Haiti on a private plane with either 4 or 8 kids (depending on which ones get visas... pray that they would come through) and flying into Miami. Pray that everything goes well with the travel and that all the kids do ok on the plane (One of the reasons I'm going with them is to help Barbara take care of the kids). Pray for no problems in immigration. And pray that I find a comfortable place to sleep in the Miami airport and am able to get on the early flight Friday morning (Someone is donating me a buddy pass). God has been so faithful during this whole experience and I appreciate you all so much!! Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support on this final journey of my trip. May He be glorified!!

Last Day in Haiti

So I think this is my last full day in Haiti. What's funny about all these adventures is that God keeps taking me to new levels of trusting in Him and not worrying about knowing everything. I usually don't plan trips in 1 day or go somewhere not knowing how long I will stay. Cherie, the woman that coordinated me getting down here told me when I was in Florida that she had pegged me for a spontaneous, fly by the seat of your pants kind of person... I told her that I was actually a type A who likes plans but that has been forced to trust God on all these adventures. :)
I will admit that I am looking forward to getting good sleep in a bed that is not shared with a baby, taking a hot shower and going back to daily life that is not so hard. But as much as I'm exhausted and totally physically and emotionally, this experience will forever stay with me... The precious faces of these kids that just scream to be loved, their smiles when you play with them or just talk to them. These people that are dedicated to make a difference in the world and give kids a second chance. The citywide destruction and tent cities every few blocks. The medical problems and the look of fear and hopeless on so many faces. And the assurance of knowing a God who is loving and wants to give Hope to the hurting.
Like I said, I think I'm leaving tomorrow... I will post when I know my definite plans but the plan is for me to leave with Barbara and some more kids that have been cleared to go to the States. Again, thank you for all your prayers. Continue to pray for my endurance and health (I don't feel so great today but I think it's more exhaustion). Pray for the adoption process for the kids and that Barbara would get the visas and all the papers for them. And continue to pray for the people of Haiti. Love you guys and appreciate you so much!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Another day of precious kids

These babies are precious, they really are. They are hard work and I still don't sleep well at night, but you can't hep but love them. Maki woke up at 6 am laughing and playing... I tried to tell her that it was too early to play, but I guess an 8 month old can't understand that! :) She doesn't let me sleep much and requires a lot of attention, but you can't help but love her. Her laugh and smile is amazing... I wish you all could meet her.
Barbara, the lady in charge of the orphanage got back today and it working hard trying to get some more kids out. It's difficult and becomes even more difficult when other people try to take kids out of the country without proper documentation. There are a lot of kids that were already in the adoption process pre-earthquake. She's hoping to get some more kids ready to leave this week. Also, the dads that are here from Argentina had more meetings today and are trying to be able to take their kids home as well. Please pray that these kids would be able to get to their new homes soon, that the process would be smooth and quick. Being here at the orphanage is better than being on the streets, but it's still far from ideal.
I spent most of the afternoon organizing their pharmacy. People brought in more supplies and donations (we have tons of stuff now). And who better to organize it than me, especially after I spent years doing this in Brasil (Jen & Sharon, I missed y'all... wish you could have been here to help me!)
I still don't have any definite plans because it depends on when there are planes and seats, but I'm probably leaving later this week. Please pray for my last few days - for health and endurance and that I would do my best at whatever tasks God gives me. Thanks guys so much for all the prayers! You've been a part of this ministry in Haiti!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A tour of the city

This afternoon a Haitian pastor took a few of us around the city to show us the damage... it is overwhelming. As we passed building after building that was crushed, knowing that countless lives were taken, you can't help but be overwhelmed and saddened. The downtown area with the President's Palace and the government buildings was hit the hardest. We stopped at the Palace... I had seen pictures on TV but it is definitely not the same as being there in person. All around it are tent cities, where people are now living. There are tent cities all over the city - thousands, millions living in handmade or camping tents. People aren't sleeping in the houses even if they aren't destroyed, because of a combination of fear and the government telling them it's not safe. We even saw tents set up in the middle of the road. The pastor took us to where he is staying with 40 other people, to an area in front of his friend's house - they sleep outside, cook outside, live outside. I don't even have the words to fully describe all that I've seen or the stories I've heard.
How do you not just cry all the time being here? Because I know the God of hope and I know that He is the only answer to this city and to the world. He is the God that will give hope to the people of Haiti, to these people whose lives have been destroyed even if they survived. Keep praying for Haitians, for peace and hope and that they would turn to the Giver of life and hope.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Loving on Kids

Another day of loving on kids... that's what I did most of the morning. I felt a lot better today cause I actually got sleep last night (Thank you for all your prayers... God gave me rest!) Maki, who is still my roommate and for the last few times has become my bedmate, actually slept through the night. She is so adorable, especially now that she is feeling better. And before you ask, no I'm not bringing her home - her and Sophie, my other favorite are being adopted to Argentina, maybe even as early as next week. So I'll just love on them until I leave. I sat outside for a couple of hours with 2 kids on my lap and others crowded around... whatever you do, do it to glorify God... that's what God keeps reminding me on this trip. Playing with kids or changing diapers may not seem all that special, but it was my task for the morning and God wanted to be glorified in that. And they are so precious that you can't help but love them!
I spent the afternoon cleaning out the clinic/pharmacy with a couple of the other volunteers. It looked so much better after we were done and now we can actually see what medicines we have and find them easily. We are still just treating a handful of patients a day that come in needing medicine. Today it was mostly just the dads from Argentina, who came in to visit their kids and try to get the government to let them take the kids out. They are all worried about their kids, who mostly look better than all the others here, and are coming up to me every few hours with new problems. What's funny is that here I am in Haiti trying to speak Spanish!
Ok, I gotta run but thanks as always for your continued prayers! Please pray for another restful night for me and for Maki.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Another day of clinic

The work continues... today we set up clinic in the "downtown" of this neighborhood. We stopped by the police station, either to get their approval or protection or both... not really sure but they asked us to treat all of them as well. Most of it was stress and pain... everyone is affected emotionally even if they don't have outside wounds. Brenna, the PA and I were able to treat them and then pray for them. Then we moved to our "clinic", a covered area in the midst of the tents. Everyone is sleeping outside because their homes are destroyed or they are too afraid to sleep in buildings. We saw almost 150 patients today, some of it basic stuff but some of it was serious. But most of all we continue to see anxiety and hopelessness. Even my interpreter today, Donald, shared with me how he looks to the future with different eyes now and says that he feels hopeless. We've been able to pray with some of the patients as well as giving them medicine.
We had to shut down clinic a little earlier than we expected because the crowd was getting a little rough... but the police were there and they even gave us a ride back to the village in their truck! We were never really in danger but we just wanted to be careful. Most of the medical team has to leave tomorrow, so I'm not sure what tomorrow will hold... but I continue to trust that God has me here for His purpose. Thank you for your continued prayers!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Clinic at the village

It's amazing how God answers prayers... just yesterday I was praying that God would open doors if He wanted me to do medical work here in Haiti, in addition to loving on these precious kids. And last night a small medical team showed up! So this afternoon we set up clinic here at the village and the PA and I saw 70 patients this afternoon! Most of it wasn't that serious, but it was great to people to help them. These are the people that weren't affected enough to go to the hospital but still had pain from falling or respiratory infections from sleeping outside. Tomorrow the plan is to set up clinic at a nearby police station that probably will have greater need. Please continue to be in prayer for all of us here, for health and strength as we work nonstop and for wisdom and direction in setting up the medical clinics (This group will be here til Monday).
It's been a busy day and is more exhausting because I sleep with the babies at night so never get to sleep through the night (Did I sign up to be a mom yet? :)) I gotta run cause we still have to pack up meds and supplies for tomorrow, but wanted to let y'all know that things were going well and to thank you for all the prayers! And I haven't been able to respond to all these great and encouraging emails but I appreciate y'all so much!! Thank you so much!! Love you guys!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Here's a couple of pictures... I thought you have seen enough of the destruction on TV so wanted to share some of the precious faces... here's one of Maki (my baby and patient), of the cute little kids eating lunch, and of the kids at the airport, the first ones I got to love! :)

Daily life at the orphanage

I finally have a few minutes where I'm baby free and able to write. I still have too much to say and not enough time or the words to write. I haven't left the orphanage since I arrived, but there has been plenty of work to do. One of my main jobs still continues to be to care for Mackey, the 8 month old that was sick. I carry her around all day and she even sleeps in my room tonite. On Monday night she was up from 12-3, but last night she slept better (Thank you, Lord!). Today she is a little better and happier, but I think what she needs most is love. That's what all the kids here need the most. And there's just not enough people here to give them all the love they need. Besides us and the babies, the older kids and the adults are all sleeping outside. It's not so much that the buildings aren't ok, but more that everyone is just so afraid. I think I felt some tremors last night, but nothing too bad.
Mom asked me yesterday if it was chaotic and I guess it is, but not in the way you would expect. I am nowhere close to the riots, the crowds, the desperation (although it does exist... there are some journalist guys staying here and they come back with stories at night. They actually found another survivor yesterday - 15 days after the earthquake! Truly a miracle!) But here, we are trying to give a halfway normal life to these kids. And the work is nonstop. There are probably 50 or 60 kids and many adults as well... I'm not really sure how many people are really here. But we are blessed to have food and are feeding all of these people, so it's been a big job to make food and wash dishes and I've been able to help some. I think much of the city is without electricity, water and food, but we are blessed with a generator, a well and lots of donated food.
I've not been able to do as much medical stuff as I hoped (although I have been able to treat some of the kids and a couple of people come to the village in need of help), but there are some more medical people coming in today or tomorrow so we've talked about setting up a mini medical clinic here at the village. For now I'm just treating what comes in and helping in any way I can.
Ok, it's time to get back to the babies! Thank you again for all your prayers and encouragement!! All the comments, facebook messages and emails have meant so much and I want you to know how much I appreciate it! Continue to pray for me as I serve, for strength, for health and everything I need to treat and love these people. And pray for the people, especially for peace. Pray for God's love and salvation for the people of Haiti.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Made it to Haiti

I don't even know what to write or where to begin and I am so tired and ready to try to sleep, but I at least wanted to write and let y'all know that I made it. I left FL this morning at 5 am on a private 8 seater plane and flew to Port-au-Prince. The plane ride was awesome and I got to sit in the front with the pilot! He is a man who donated his time and his plane to fly 3 flights into Haiti to take volunteers and supplies in and kids for adoption out. Barbara, the lady in charge here, flew in with 7 kids on Saturday and 6 kids today. I got to play with the kids at the airport today and help them on the plane... so precious!! Pray that everything would go smoothly with all the adoptions.
I got here to the village (the orphanage), which is partly destroyed like most everything else here. Driving in the city seemed somewhat normal in parts but then you pass a building that is in crumbles. I arrived here and was handed one of the kids, an 8 mo old who was dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea and have literally carried her around for 5 hours until I finally got her to sleep a few minutes ago. Today I mostly helped care for the kids... at one time I was entertaining 5 infants/toddlers. These kids have been through so much and there's so little help here.
I have so much more I could write, but I'll stop with this. I don't know what these next few days will bring, but I know God has me here for His purpose. I may be treating people or I may be loving on kids, but I pray that He might be glorified. I pray that I could bring His love to a people without hope. Thank you so much for all your prayers! Please keep praying for me and for the others here and for the people of Haiti!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Going to Haiti

Yes, I'm really going to Haiti! I wanted to let y'all know that I am leaving for Haiti on Monday and to ask for your prayers. I didn't think my next adventure would be less than 2 months after getting back from Ghana, but this is an opportunity that I feel God has given me. I woke up the day after the earthquake and the first thing I heard on the radio about Haiti was people coming out of the ruins saying, “I need a doctor!” I thought, “Here I am with gifts God has given me to be able to help people physically and the free time because I just returned to the States and am not working full-time.” Ever since that day I have been praying that if God wanted me to go to Haiti, that He would open the door. And my church has so graciously offered to support me. I have searched out many opportunities but have mostly found closed doors until today.

I will be going to work with an orphanage right outside of Port-au-Prince. (check out the website at www.reachouttohaiti.com) It has been there for over 20 years and helps with Haitian adoptions. Since the earthquake, in addition to taking care of the kids they have opened a “walking wounded clinic”. I will be helping take care of (and love on) the kids as well as helping in the clinic. I really don't know a lot of details (this is just one step deeper into trusting the Lord for me!) and actually found out about the organization from someone I barely know... but in looking into it, talking with the coordinator in Florida and praying a lot, I feel that this is the door God has opened for me and is calling me to walk through. As much as I want to help the people in Haiti, I am getting on that plane on Monday because of obedience – because there is a God who loves me and has called me to follow Him. I obey Him, knowing that I go to the place He has called me to and that He will walk with me every step of the way.

I am flying to Orlando tomorrow morning and then fly to Haiti on a private plane Monday morning. I found out about the orphanage earlier this week but didn't think it was going to work out for me to go. But then I get a call from the coordinator this afternoon saying she has an open seat on a plane and thinks I'm the person that's supposed to go! This is all crazy last minute for me and not what I'm used to, but God has totally confirmed to me that this is of Him.

So I'm writing this to ask you all to PLEASE PRAY! I honestly do not think I could go down there if I did not know there was going to be so many people praying for me. I know that many of you are already praying for the people Haiti but please continue to pray for them. Pray for the ministry of Reach out to Haiti and the orphanage. And please pray for me – for safety, health, for compassion and the strength in what I'm gonna face. I know it's gonna be hard, probably harder than anything I've ever been through and so this is why I need your prayers more than ever!

I was told there is a computer and internet at the orphanage but since I'm not taking my laptop I'm not sure how often I'll be able to write. If and when I'm able to update you it will be on facebook and on here. I'm not sure exactly when I'm coming back, probably in 2 weeks, but I'll try to update y'all as I can. Thank you SO MUCH for all your prayers!!