Sunday, August 30, 2009

Internet problems

The internet is down at the schoolhouse (the only place we have internet access here on the hospital compound). We drove to the internet cafe here in town today and I wanted to let y'all know not to worry if you don't hear from me for the next few days. Apparently the internet is not always reliable, especially in the rainy season. We've had a lot of rain this weekend and I was told that maybe things will dry out in a few days and the internet will work again. So hopefully you'll hear from me soon but until then thanks for all your prayers and love! 


  1. YES, our prayers and love keep flowin' towards AFRICA!
    Love you,
    Aunt Joan

  2. Amy, Good Daddy and I are looking at your blog on the computer at Atherton. "It reminds me of Good Moma and my experiences in Africa," say Good Daddy. "The natives and the rooster and the bats and of course most of all the people seeking your care are strong memories for me. I am very proud of you." Love Good Daddy and Aunt Laura
