Sunday, August 23, 2009

My African alarm clocks

There are definitely different sights and sounds here in Africa.  My "alarm clock" has been one of them.  I did bring an alarm clock, but it's been other things that have awaken me most mornings.  The first morning it was a rooster at 6 am, who made his rooster sound (what's it called?) right outside my window.  The next morning it was the heavy rain at 530 am (it is the rainy season) and then this morning I woke up at 3:30 am to some animal sound that sounded like the EKG/heart rate sound on the hospital monitors we have in the States.  Someone told me it was probably a bat.  I am in Africa but I haven't seen any lions or zebras yet; lots of goats and chickens though. And there are tons of bats!  Yesterday I was walking with my roommate & was asking about all the birds I saw flying above us (there were hundreds!)... she informed me they were bats.  Yea, so I didn't think bats came out during the day... I'm learning lots here in Africa!  :)

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