Saturday, September 5, 2009

5 day clinic

This week was the first week we started having clinic 5 days a week. They used to have clinic Mon, Wed & Fri while Tues/Thurs was reserved for surgeries and minor procedures. But they lines were becoming so long that this week we started having clinic 5 days a week in hopes to spread the numbers out over 5 days. I'm not so sure that this will happen though. This week in clinic has been just as busier or maybe busier. Friday in peds Dr. Miller and I saw 126 patients! And the patients are really sick. They are not just coming with made-up complaints but have legitimate sickness. We are all exhausted after a full week. I have been switching back and forth from pediatrics and adults. Now that I have gotten the swing of things, I am quicker at seeing patients... all my experiences in Brasil prepared me well. Some days I have started off seeing kids and when we finish I go to help with the adults. They thanked me for being flexible and willing to move around (one day they moved me around to 4 different rooms based on which ones were empty). But because of our clinics in Rio, I'm used to getting a chair and seeing patients anywhere so it hasn't bothered me at all. I'm just glad that I'm able to help. Continue to pray that God would equip me to do what He has called me to do.  

1 comment:

  1. HI Amy,
    I am sure these long lines of patients remind you of Rio!
    It is wonderful to see how you are, once again, making a specific difference in the lives of others.

    Aunt Joan
