Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Busy days in clinic

Our internet is fixed!! Well, at least for today! Hopefully it will stay that way. It has been a very busy past few days here at the hospital. Mondays are always busy clinic days but yesterday was exhausting for me – I saw 70 patients, including a minor procedure and admitting 2 patients to the hospital - a woman in labor and an older lady with pneumonia. I didn't leave clinic until after 7 pm! Today one of the med students and I ran the adult clinic because the doctors were either away or doing surgery. It was definitely a stretch for us but we did ok. Tonight I am actually on call. They put the volunteers into the rotation for night call together with the permanent doctors. The first 3 times I was with an ER resident who was really good so it was no big deal and we actually didn't get any calls in the middle of the night, but he left on Sunday. So now I'm doing it alone and am a little nervous so y'all definitely say some extra prayers for me tonite please. Please continue to pray for strength and endurance for all of us. I am tired but I can't complain much because the doctors here work more than me and they do it week after week, year after year. The need is so great here and the workers are few.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Amy-O! AREN'T we so glad for the truth that God has taught us through the years:

    "God does not call the equipped, He equips the called."

    LOVE and PRAYERS to you and for you,
    Aunt Joan
