Today was Monday clinic, which is always a busy day. One of the med students, Lindsay, and I shared a room and an interpreter. After getting to the point of being able to communicate with all my patients in Brasil, the language barrier here is difficult at times. I am trying to learn to say more and attempting to call patients to come into the room (I've learning some of the accent and have found if I yell and stress certain syllables, they will understand. And if not, it makes everyone laugh so at least I'm entertaining them. :)
It's been really hot the past few days (Estou com saudades da praia!!). I thought it was the end of rainy season, but apparently it's not over yet. Tonight we had a thunderstorm and Lindsay and I happened to be stuck in the schoolhouse. Well, first the internet went out and then the power went out and we didn't know how long it would last. Plus, we were already late for dinner and really hungry. So we decided to face the rain and run to House 6. Lindsay didn't have an umbrella so I wore my windbreaker and let her use my umbrella. Oh, and did I mention it's pitch black so I'm holding my flashlight inside my windbreaker trying to see where to run. So we start running and all the sudden I'm running through a river – a muddy river. So we're running, screaming, through puddles in the downpour and thunder. We finally get to the house, completely soaked. But it was worth the rain because we had spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner! You know you've been overseas when you jump for joy over things like garlic bread! And dessert was homemade coconut cream pie. It turned out to be a good day after all. :)
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