Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cute kids

Just thought I would share some cute pictures of some of my patients today. It's always funny to take pictures of kids here because most of them don't know how to pose (although everyone loves looking at the picture after I take it). I try to get them to smile but it doesn't always work. I took picture of a cute little boy yesterday at the nutrition center and as soon as I took it he broke out in tears. I felt so bad! Everyone around the boy, including his mom, was laughing so I guess it was ok! :)  Enjoy and hope y'all are having a good weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Amy! So cute! Hang in there, sweetie...WE are all lifting up lots of prayers for you. YOUR Mama told me about your long skype visit on SATURDAY. WE are all so proud of our missionary!
    WE love you very much...and can't wait 'til your return and COOKIE DAY with the family!
    Aunt Joan
