Monday, November 2, 2009

An exhausting day

Busy Monday in clinic... After a somewhat relaxing weekend, it's back to life at the hospital. Mondays are always busy but today seemed worse, mostly because almost all of the other volunteers have left. It was an exhausting day! I was in an exam room by myself (usually there's another volunteer) and saw mostly kids all day. The thing about seeing kids is that you don't have to talk a lot to the parents because you diagnose them mainly based on examination (and 90% of them have malaria). Over half of the words I've said all day are “He has malaria” and “Go to the pharmacy” in Mampruli. I saw 132 patients today– just me! That's crazy! I have to admit, after today, I am even more worried about how I will survive the next month and a half. Please pray for me, for strength, endurance, encouragement and peace. Thanks!!


  1. Hi Amy :). My name is Brianna Morgan and I just got back to the states after spending two weeks with the Riddles and Jeremy Conrad in Rio. It's been awesome to read your blog entries of your time in Ghana! Western Africa will always be near my heart (I spent two months in Benin). Anyway, I am a nurse and planning to move to Rio and work with the Sombra Road team in the favelas. I have some questions for you about the kinds of things you did as a nurse during your time there. Maybe you could send me your e-mail address? Thanks so much!

  2. Amy-O! Hang in there dear...praying for
    We love you and are so proud of your servant's heart!
    Aunt Joan
