Monday, November 16, 2009

Thank you for the prayers

Thanks for all your prayers regarding the situation here at BMC.  The hospital workers meeting this morning apparently went well, but it looks like it's still going to be a while before we will start back clinic. I still don't understand everything that is going on, especially as it relates to culture practices and beliefs, and there is a lot that doesn't make sense to us as Americans, but it's their culture. We question how you can close a hospital because of one man's death, but one of the missionaries told me he stopped trying to understand or interfere with cultural things years ago. I think that the workers will come back after the funeral, but there's a hold up on that because the body was sent to Tamale for an autopsy. Hopefully that will be sometime this week. Things remain clam here in Nalerigu. We will continue being open on an emergency basis only until then. There were only 9 patients in the peds ward this morning (there are 36 beds that are usually filled and I've seen as many as 58!). It's weird seeing the hospital this empty and going from working nonstop to having nothing to do. We all went and greeted Alando's family this afternoon at a type of visitation. Please continue to pray for comfort for his family and friends during this time. Thank you!

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